Feet up!

It’s always interesting to explore new spaces in the forest despite the attendant scratches of legs and arms. It wouldn’t feel like an exploration otherwise! The sting only lasts hours and fades quickly.

Exhibit A is my well-scarred left shin.


But these days, infrequent activity means my joints get rattled so and this morning, my ankle bones were still crunchy and knee still sore so I took the wise option and messaged Darren to wish him well on his 170km ride – I would not be joining him!

For a short while, I put my feet up and read a book. How lovely, and civilised! Even Xylo the cat thought it strange.

Feet up with Xylo

I need to head out to the forest again next week, but this time I will tape up my knee and ankle before traipsing around.

Mr Bats is preparing for long nights

I have been trying to get ready for the new term but it looks like there is no substititue to late nights. Mr Bats is the most consistent and uninspiring partner for my overnighters to prepare for lectures – he snoozes comfortably while I work. And after I moved my stuff around this weekend, he’s settled in and ready for action once again!

World Environment Day cat

Sungei Buloh gave me a lovely gift for talking at the WED 2011 celebrations. Made of Xylocarpus granatum bark, they made a silhouette of a cat.

Xylo the cat is named after that same tree, as he appeared in the X. granatum forest at Buloh east, to claim me in 2006.

He still likes pawing flowing water.


Tiger the cat gets his massage!

Just as I am about to creep off to bed, Tiger the cat makes a plaintive mew which summons me to his side.

I know the drill, it’s a full body massage he desires, a habit I inculcated when he was a bewildered kitten in a new home. The run downs relaxed him and he got used to it.

Best time for it, going by the amount of purring, belly exposures and rolling over, is after dinner time.

Tiger is a very gentle cat and very malleable bit he loves the massage to be conducted at his favoured spot, on the dining table.

When he’s had enough, he lets me know, and I can complete that interrupted journey to my bed!