Staying out deep water – the Giant Mudskipper

I'd finished a meeting at Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve last Saturday (28 Feb 2009) and both my muddy students were there as well to conduct mudskipper observations. Theresa Su (TSLT) came by and feasted on the excellent mee siam provided for the meeting and after that we checked in on the other student, Trina Chua, at the Visitor Centre boardwalk, who was conducting high tide observations. This is one of the mudskippers we were watching and they always bring a grin to our faces, even after a decade of noticing them. We're finally taking a closer look these days.

Feel free to use the image as desktop wallpaper (follow the link to the larger file) and see if your colleagues are familiar with this animal – mudskippers are reasonably well known, judging from audience response at talks. Some might still need convincing that they are fish.

7 thoughts on “Staying out deep water – the Giant Mudskipper

  1. Hi! Siva,
    The photo of the mudskipper reminds me of an article that
    Dr Ivan Polunin wrote in the National Geographic magazine
    many years back entitled, “Who says fish can’t climb trees?”
    wee kiat

  2. Once again Otterman comes to the rescue! Putting together a quick overview to the mangrove ecosystem and needing a good photo of a mudskipper, of all the pages of photos of these cute critters, the one I chose to copy and save was one from Otterman himself! And it was taken at SBWR just where I am taking 300 students on Thursday! Thanks Siva!

  3. I remember our bio days at NUS there was a club with the mudskipper as its symbol ya? Was it the Biology club?

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